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Zion Shall Be Redeemed By Justice

I got a message yesterday with an urgent request from a friend. A prominent Anabaptist pastor had addressed child sex abuse on his widely-read Facebook page, and the discussion that followed was taking a dark turn. Could I address some of the harmful myths being peddled there and lift up …

Thoughts in the Summer of the Virus

As the biggest global catastrophe of my lifetime lurches ahead with no close in sight, at least one thing has become clear amid the fog of war: we need to get better at responding to crisis, and fast. In the USA, most of us now alive have enjoyed a lifetime …

What We Are

Warning: mild political incorrectness ahead. A jaded European businessman flying from JFK to Heathrow found himself seated next to a girl of seventeen on her way to visit her mother’s relatives in the South of England. Now this jaded businessman was prone to malice in moments of boredom, and as …

Whoever Has Seen Me . . .

Thoughts shared recently with a brother who believes the purpose of Christ’s death was to satisfy God’s righteous need for vengeance on sinners: The scriptures you quoted are precious to me, too; Isaiah 53 has the power to bring me to tears. I am not sure how you interpret them, …

Thoughts in Mourning

Yesterday, after many months of stalling and delays, the Senate intelligence committee released the executive summary of a report on the CIA’s use of “enhanced interrogation tactics” on suspected terrorists after 9-11. Though much was not new to me, the extreme details revealed in yesterday’s report left me feeling shell-shocked. …


Welcome to the first post on this site. I’ve finally set up my own site at my own domain, as I’ve dreamed of doing for years. I’ll be writing stuff here sometimes. Check back.